So it appears as though summer is nearing its annual finish line, as evenings become cooler, daylight hours become shorter, and cellulite of short-short-wearing women gradually is covered up in deference to cooler evenings and less sunlight. And I have to admit that, barring numerous cellulite sightings (seriously ladies, gym and tanning next year!) this was a pretty good summer. Shall I recap?
My summer Top Ten:
10. Great tan (par for the course, but always noteworthy)
9. Lots of alcohol-fueled evenings spent on the patio at Muddy Waters with best friend
8. Days at the beach plentiful as hottest summer in Winnipeg in a bazillion years
7. Discovered a-maz-ing rollerblade path at Birds Hill Park
6. Promoted (finally!) to Store Manager, so now have my own store and can really kick it into high gear with this whole bossing people around business:)
5. Happily let my daughter go to Calgary in July for most of the summer
4. Enjoyed freedom of being non-Mommy for 6 weeks
3. Freedom including but not limited to copious beer consumption, endless hours spent sunbathing at pool, and deciding to go out in the middle of the night simply because I could
2. Happily got my daughter back mid-August as freedom was beginning to get to me a little...
1. Seem to have met the man of my dreams.
Not a bad one. Hoping fall continues where summer leaves off...
*Boys of Summer - Don Henley*